Christmas Greetings and Update on 2020

Dear All December is a perfect opportunity to look back both on the past year and forward to what next year may bring. 2020 has held individual challenges for us all, and everyone had to face varying difficulties along the way. I hope that you, and those close to you,...

Dr Roy Lamb

It is with great sadness that we have to inform members and the wider hospital community of the death of Dr Roy Lamb. Dr Lamb was  intimately associated with the League of Friends for over fifty seven years, mainly as a Trustee, but additionally as President in later...


It seems timely to give an update of what is happening with Stroud Hospitals League of Friends as we near the end of our initial emergency response to COVID 19 at both of the hospitals and within the community. So far we have distributed around £25,000 on PPE,...


The Trustees of the League of Friends have made the decision to postpone the AGM, which usually takes place in September, until late spring/early summer 2021. Having recently converted our status to a ‘Charitable Incorporated Organisation’ we are allowed...
Hospital Gardens

Hospital Gardens

The care of the hospital gardens has resumed by our dedicated Garden Group co-ordinator, Linda Phillips. Only two of the gardening group attend at a time, suitably socially distanced, and they have started the task of working their way through three months of lockdown...