A very festive and sociable Christmas coffee morning was held last week at Stroud General Hospital to thank all the hospital volunteers who are involved in working on the wards, the trolley service and refreshment shop, on reception and as volunteers on the Hospital Chaplaincy Team.

Dr Mike Roberts, Medical Director of Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust attended along with Dr Roma Walker, Chairman of Stroud Hospitals League of Friends, Richard Hobbs, NHS Volunteer Co-ordinator and Father Jeff Green from the Chaplaincy Team.  A prize for the best festive outfit was won by Elizabeth Rowley in a very fetching Christmas jumper (see photo). 

Sue Russell, NHS Volunteer Supervisor thanked all the volunteers for their very hard and dedicated work throughout the year, with special thanks to Janet Smith who, as a volunteer, manages the Refreshment Shop and Trolley Service.  Everyone agreed that the tireless effort, cheerfulness and goodwill of the volunteers makes a great deal of difference in supporting both staff and patients at this community hospital.

Photo shows: Richard Hobbs, Elizabeth Rowley, Sue Russell, Mike Roberts and Roma Walker