Community dentists in Stroud have a new way of assessing patients for treatment thanks to the donation of a digital camera by the League of Friends.

The community dental service, based in Redwood House, takes patients on referral only, providing dental care for people with additional needs.

The new Canon Digital SLR camera means dentists can now study digital photographs when consulting with colleagues and considering treatment.

Dentist Paul Rayner said: “A picture can be worth a thousand words! A good image can make a decision over treatment or a referral so much easier and quicker.

“Having the ability to take clear digital images gives us another tool to offer a responsive and high quality service to patients.”

The service in Stroud saw just over 4,000 patients last year. Countywide the service has seen 18,500 patients over the last year.

It has specialist equipment, such as wheelchair tippers and bariatric chairs, to ensure it can treat a wide range of people and will offer clients multiple visits to get them used to the people and environment before beginning treatment.

Dr Roy Lamb, president of Stroud League of Friends, said: “As always this donation is only possible because of the generosity of the people of Stroud.

“On their behalf we are very pleased we can provide up to date equipment which will improve the care for patients.”

Picture: Dental team members Andrea Farthing (centre) and Elaine Reese (right) demonstrate the use of the camera with the help of dental nurse Claire Nash