Pregnancy and Postnatal Yoga

Free pregnancy and postnatal yoga sessions for pregnant women and mothers with newborns are being held at Stroud Maternity Hospital and Rodborough. The pregnancy yoga has been successfully running 4 groups since January 2018. The courses are aimed at supporting the...


A tea party was held on 5th July to celebrate the 70th birthday of the NHS. The tea party was held in the main reception area of the hospital. The event was very well attended and everyone enjoyed a cup of tea with a piece of cake. The cakes were very kindly made or...


Meet Jet our new PAT dog. Jet comes in with her owner Mary Hall on a Tuesday afternoon and goes to the Cashes Green and Jubilee Wards to cheer up the patients and staff.

Hospital Tea Party

NHS is celebrating it’s 70th birthday this year. The hospital is holding a tea party on Thursday 5th July 10 -12 and 2 – 4. Please come along and have a chat while enjoying a cup of tea with a piece of cake.