Pre- and post-natal yoga and singing
What is pre- and post-natal yoga and singing?
Over the years The League of Friends have supported major refurbishments and provided specialist equipment at the Maternity Hospital which have contributed significantly to the modern, welcoming, and much valued facility. A recent development has been League support for two projects run by Stroud Maternity – pre-and post-natal yoga sessions and a weekly singing group. The aims of both are to support the emotional well-being and mental health of childbearing women and their newborns, and to create a community of pregnant women and new mothers to reduce social isolation. Both projects have been highly successful and whilst not unique to Stroud are certainly not standard elsewhere.
For more information
Please contact Stroud Maternity
Telephone: 0300 4218018
Remember: If your GP refers you for tests, X-rays or to see a consultant, ask if these services are available at Stroud
Stroud Hospitals League of Friends Projects