Get Involved
Stroud Hospitals League of Friends is a registered charity whose aim is to support the two hospitals and the health and welfare of the local community. We focus our resources, and any influence we may have, in a way that enhances and protects services, principally through refurbishment, provision of state-of-the art equipment which would not otherwise be provided by the NHS, and community projects. We also defend services under threat, and work closely with the relevant NHS trusts, statutory bodies and other organisations

Stroud Hospitals League of Friends is a membership organisation. We welcome the involvement of the widest possible representation of individuals and organisations from Stroud and the surrounding area. Joining is free and open to all above the age of 18.

The League is supported by a large group of volunteers who provide refreshments in the Hospital Shop and a wards trolley service for patients, along with other activities.

League of Friends Gardening Group
Late in 2018, we acquired a new group of volunteers, The League of Friends Gardening Group, coordinated by Linda Phillips, who are tending the gardens around the two hospitals.

Hospital Chaplaincy and Annual Church Service
The Reverend Alison Evans and her Chaplaincy Team continue their much-valued service to the hospital
The League is supported by a large group of volunteers who provide refreshments in the Hospital Shop and a wards trolley service for patients, along with other activities. They provide a friendly face for patients and visitors alike and contribute hugely to the ambience of Stroud Hospital, making it welcoming and less intimidating than it might otherwise be